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Reveal lithium battery electrolyte
707 2024-03-13
Lithium batteries have been applied to all aspects of our lives, from small digital, medium-sized new energy vehicles and even large energy storage power stations, they are widely used in lithium batteries this efficient and environmentally friendly energy storage products. In the composition of lithium battery materials, electrolyte plays a crucial role, different electrolyte can greatly affect the energy density of lithium battery, charge and discharge rate, cycle life and working condition safety characteristics. So, what is lithium battery electrolyte, how to choose the appropriate lithium battery electrolyte solution? Gyroforce Xiaobian will take you to find out.
A brief introduction of lithium battery electrolyte
Electrolyte is a special solvent made of solvent, lithium salt, additives and other materials under specific conditions. It plays an important role in the operation of lithium batteries, which is equivalent to the position of blood in our human body. It has good ionic conductivity, mainly undertakes the tasks of ion transport and participation in electrochemical reactions, and also plays a regulating role in maintaining battery temperature to ensure the efficient and stable operation of lithium batteries.
Second, the related classification of lithium battery electrolyte
According to different standards and characteristics, electrolytes can be divided into the following categories:
01. according to the physical state can be divided into: liquid, semi-solid, solid. Often said liquid lithium-ion batteries (including polymer batteries), semi-solid batteries, solid state batteries are divided according to the state of lithium battery electrolyte;
02. according to the type of solvent: model and no model electrolyte;
03. according to the working temperature range: normal temperature, wide temperature, low temperature and high temperature electrolyte;
04. according to ionic conductivity: high, medium, low ionic conductivity electrolyte;
05. according to safety: ordinary and flame retardant electrolyte.
Third, how to choose the applicable electrolyte solution
In the selection of electrolyte, lithium battery manufacturers need to consider the following customer needs:
1. Operating temperature range: Select the appropriate electrolyte type according to the use environment to ensure that the battery can maintain good performance under various temperature conditions.
2. Ionic conductivity: Select an electrolyte with high ionic conductivity to improve the charge and discharge performance of the battery.
3. Stability: Select the electrolyte with high stability to improve the cycle life and safety of the battery.
4. Safety performance: Consider the safety performance of lithium batteries, such as flame retardant, puncture, etc.
5. Cost: under the premise of meeting the performance requirements, choose a lower-cost electrolyte to reduce production costs.
If you need to select or customize lithium batteries, please choose a professional lithium battery manufacturer with electrolyte research and development capabilities. Whirl Electronics has been engaged in lithium battery for 15 years, fully considering each customer‘s lithium battery needs, customizing suitable lithium battery electrolyte and other types of lithium battery material solutions, to provide you with the production of lithium battery products that take into account the performance and cost requirements.